Why join us?
We come together every week to learn and to share the joy of making great music using nothing but our voices. As a member of Bella Acapella, you’ll learn more about your voice and how it works and develop your performing skills. We provide opportunities for learning through large and small group learning and individual feedback. You’ll also have opportunities to participate in workshops, perform at events in the Algarve and compete with the chorus in international competitions. Bella Acapella welcomes new members from all genders, nationalities and phases of life. We rehearse in Olhão every Wednesday evening in the main hall of theRepública 14 – Associação Cultural
Avenida da República nº 14
8700-310 Olhão,
Bella Acapella is a vibrant community of singers of all ages. We work hard but we have a great time doing it. Why not come along and try us out? Previous experience is not essential to become a member of Bella Acapella, although it's often helpful. Many of our members have no formal singing experience prior to joining the chorus.
Many people have a complex, somewhat ashamed relationship with their voice because we are told in choir, in school, like, “Oh, don’t sing.” or, “You’re not getting it right´, but singing is a natural way for our bodies to communicate. People sang together before we spoke together. Some younger members just wanted to train their singing voice, others work on their English and meet new international friends. The joy of singing in front of a live audience and conveying all the strength that singing gives us, is contagious.
Skills required of new members are the ability to sing in tune and in time, and to hold their part while singing in the chorus. Since English is our common language, we also ask all members to have a fair knowledge of speaking and understanding English. We provide training in breathing, vocal and visual performance skills. All Bella Acapella members strive for continuous improvement.
Voice Parts
On your first night at chorus you will be asked to listen and feel the atmosphere. It is important that you like our type of music and the way we work and interact. On the second evening, you are asked to do a voice test. The MD and section leaders will help you to sing some lines and together we will find out your voice type and the best section to start singing. As balance is so important to our sound, we may have more need for some voice parts than others.
Sheet music is provided as each new song is learned. Members are not required to read music, as learning tracks (mp3) are provided for all new songs and for the existing repertoire. They are recorded in stereo, with your voice part predominant on one channel and the other three parts heard softly on the other channel. Members are encouraged to understand the basics of sheet music, and usually find that their music reading skills develop over time.
Becoming a Member
Bella Acapella is a living chorus and constant change is part of everything we do. Therefore we always welcome new members! At the same time we need to make sure that there is a good match and both the new member and the chorus feel that they have grown.
Therefore we have designed an audition process. We will explain everything about this audition when you are with us. All new members get extra guidance to help them through the audition process and the chance of lifetime to enjoy all benefits of healthy singing!
All members pay a membership fee of €160 per year (annually, bi-anually or quarterly), an aspirant member starts paying in the next full month after joining the chorus. New members also pay, a one time starting fee of €35. The fees help towards renting our rehearsal’s place, purchasing sheet music, teachtracks and other chorus overhead such as professional coachings and expenses for outfits for sing outs and concerts.
Interested or questions?
Contact the Musical Director Rob Does: 912 057 305,
or the Secretary Alexandra Bitoun: +351 962 181 405